Hi There Beautiful Friend!Â
            It’s 2024.....the year to SOAR!!
I’m excited to tell you about my Vibrant Life Coach Academy and my signature monthly membership program – BECOMING!  We have the most amazing group of women in this community who are stepping into their brilliance; living their purpose and passion, and sharing their gifts with the world!
But before I tell you about this amazing membership program and community, let me tell you who this is for.
Does this sound like you?
- You’ve gone through the refiner’s fire of life, and you are still standing and are on the other side but sometimes may slip back to the old beliefs and patterns that you’ve held in the past.
- You’re a woman in transition with a desire to reinvent yourself in this stage of your life to be the best version of you!
- You know that you were made for more. Maybe you’ve lost your spark or passion and life feels flat. You desire to reconnect with your God-given desires and gifts to share your message. Deep down you yearn for more.
- You self sabotage your progress by slipping back into old patterns and may buffer with food, Netflix, shopping, distractions, etc. to keep you from feeling the discomfort in your life.
- You are ready to implement sustainable habits to truly master your thoughts and life to overcome insecurities, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of being seen, and step into your greatness and fill the full measure of your creation.
- You have a deep sense that you are not making the IMPACT that you were put on this earth to make, and you are ready to move forward with confidence and clarity.
- You love connection and community; you love God; you love family; you love to have fun; you love growth and progress, and you are ready to soar in 2024 and blow your own mind!!
Well, let me tell you……The world needs YOU now more than ever!!!
You’ve come to the Kingdom for SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!
The world needs your wisdom, experience, nurture, and spark. Let us help you make the IMPACT you were created to make!!
Are you ready to reinvent your life? We help women just like you make peace with your past and reignite and rediscover your passion and magic to increase your IMPACT!! You’ll turn self-sabotage into self-mastery and increase your confidence and integrity in the areas that matter most! You’ll become a habit tracker guru to see long lasting, sustainable growth and transformation.
Get ready for your mind to be BLOWN!! BECOMING is a holistic, faith based monthly coaching membership that is designed just for YOU!!
Just as a caterpillar goes through transformational stages of consuming (you’ll be learning and growing), going within to dissolve itself to be come a new creature (doing the inner work), and then emerging to become the beautiful awe inspiring butterfly (gift to the world), so will you!!!
After years of study, personal transformation and coaching, I address the missing pieces that are keeping you stuck in self-doubt and self-sabotage. We’ll help you with balancing your every day life as you are working towards your big goals and dreams. We DARE you to DREAM Big!!
Ancient scripture says that transformation comes by the renewing of our minds! This program is not just information, but it is integration into every area of your life, for long lasting, sustainable change! Don’t worry, we’ll be holding your hand every step of the way, and you’ll be equipped with our state of the art, incredible BECOMING Quarterly Planner that will become your new BEST FRIEND!! This planner is exclusive to the BECOMING program members only.
You’ll develop mental and emotional mastery that will blow your mind!! You’ll be the creator of your own extraordinary life. You’ll see how it works as you see the results unfold before your eyes.
This program is like getting a Graduate Degree in LIFE!!
You’ll receive high level coaching to get the skills you need to GET UNSTUCK and FINALLY START SEEING AND EXPERIENCING THE POWERFU RESULTS IN YOUR LIFE, in your relationships, and in your goals…..and they will come faster and easier than you ever would have dreamed possible!
There is so much potential inside of you!! You were born for this moment...for such a time as this!! It’s no accident you are here. You are a choice daughter of God, made by our Creator for a unique mission and an extraordinary life! Are you ready to claim it?
Are you ready to ditch the doubt, overwhelm, confusion, and excuses and start creating a life that you are excited about?

You are the HERO of your own story! You’ve been called, and you’re on your own Hero’s Journey. You’ll face obstacles and challenges along the way for sure. But the good news is, THEY ARE THE WAY! It is through the obstacles and discomfort that you grow and are propelled into the higher version of you! We’ll show you the way. It won’t be easy, but...
When you join my revolutionary monthly coaching program that combines both the unmatched wisdom of ancient scripture, the latest in neuropsychology, and the incredible circle of support through teachings, coaching, weekly planning sessions, accountability circles, a revolutionary planner/journal, you’ll take the journey of your life and feel so loved and supported by an incredible community of women.
You’ll wake up to your unique and extraordinary gifts you’ve been given, and you’ll master the tools and skills needed to impact generations.
Who am I???
I’m Stacy Larsen Harmer, a certified Creation and Life Coach, Holistic Health Coach, Emotional Release Facilitator, a Gottman Trained Relationship Facilitator and have my Master’s in Family Science and Education. I’m an avid learner, student, author, speaker, educator and trainer. I’ve taught everything from preschool, Jr. High, High School and College level courses. Now, I love that through technology, I can coach and teach online to others throughout the world!!
I’m also a serial entrepreneur and have built several successful businesses and love to empower women to use their personal story to step into their greatness and share their gifts and talents with the world. Most importantly, I’m a wife of 36+ years and a mother of 8 with 5 darling grandchildren. I started a new phase in my life over the past few years as we adopted a beautiful little special needs daughter from China. When we surrender our lives to Christ, oh boy, what an incredible path we get to go on. Not always easy, but SOOOOO worth it! Life is such an amazing journey!
Yet, there is opposition in ALL THINGS! There was a time in my life where my world fell apart and shattered into a million pieces after the unexpected passing of my young daughter. I know what it’s like to feel hopeless, depressed, experience trauma, be mentally, physically, and emotionally burdened and holding on for dear life. That is why I will NEVER give up on my mission and dream of helping women heal and re-invent their lives to move forward with strength and power to stand and share their God-given gifts and light with the world.

You are already incredible and amazing. We’ll just help you step in and stay in your TRUE IDENTITY!!
Now lets imagine what is possible for you…
You are not broken, but your way at looking at your life might be. Our brains can play so many tricks on us! Imagine reinventing your life instead of reacting to it! You’ll be an active watcher of your thoughts and master the “turn around” of creating your incredible life!
What would that look like? Well, how about...
- Waking up every morning with energy and confidence in who you are and in what you were created to do.
- Focusing on your goals and stop chasing superficial happiness and buffering the pain away.
- Growing and accomplishing more in 12 weeks than you normally do in a whole year. Then we will start fresh for the next quarter!
- Doing quarterly self-assessments to know which areas in your life you want to focus on for the next 90 days.
- Setting daily habits with tracking and establishing floors and ceilings with those habits so you’ll be integrating long lasting, sustainable change.
- Staying committed to your goal by engaging in our extraordinary daily planner and always staying connected to your WHY.
- Trusting and building integrity with yourself by showing up for your goals you set and your plan, even when life gets hard and you don’t feel like it.
- Replacing confusion with clarity and overwhelm with overwhelming passion and excitement. You’ll learn the life-changing creation tool that will empower every area of your life!
- ​Having certified and trained coaches who knows how to help you clear the drama and clutter and get right to the heart of your issues to help you forge a path forward.
- Co-Creating with Christ and getting coached with Christian values and with a deep love and reverence for God’s design in your life.
Your extraordinary life is just one decision away!!
I invite you to join my Vibrant Life Coach Academy’s signature program – BECOMING!! 2024 is the year to SOAR!!!
I’m so excited to simplify my coaching programs and content to my monthly membership where we are building the most incredible, supportive, inspiring, empowering and loving community ever!! After over 10+ years of coaching and mentoring, I’m putting the bulk of my programs and content (worth thousands of dollars) into my monthly membership as bonus content!! It’ll be like a gym membership for your body, heart, mind and soul!!
But more than all of the bonus content (see below), we are right there with you, day-by-day, week-by-week! The program is evergreen and consists of 4 – 90 Day Quarterly Segments. We walk with you on your own hero’s journey as you set your powerful 90-day goals and have an incredible planner to work through daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly.Â
You may know I continually teach about the Tree – nourish your roots and bear and share your fruit. We start the cycle with the 1) Foundation (soil), 2) Fundamentals (roots), 3) experience Freedom (trunk - systems), and 4) Fulfillment (branches and fruit of the tree).
Each month we will have a different theme that fits in our 4 quadrants that build upon each other.Â
Having been trained and certified by some of the world’s best guides, mentors and coaches over the years, my super power is to learn, absorb, simplify, and create programs that gives you the support, encouragement, and structure to live and create the life of your dreams!!
This is unlike anything you’ve been a part of before! We’ll have ongoing expert teaching, accountability circles, and group coaching weekly as well as a 1:1 (30 min.) private coach session monthly for less than a date night out on the town with your sweetheart.
You’ll take an assessment to see the areas in your life that need attention.
You’ll set a 90 day goal and use our personalized planner daily to stay connected to your WHY, to choose new thoughts, to choose your top daily priorities, meal plan, and daily activities to nourish your body, heart, mind, and soul, to do your daily thought downloads and creation cycles. This planner is only available for those within the BECOMING program.
We’ll do our Weekly Planning and teach you how to mind dump, categorize and calendar to then get more done in your week by showing up for yourself with integrity than you’ve ever done before.
We’ll have a theme for each month that fits into the quarterly segments with monthly teaching, and you’ll get LIVE personalized coaching calls. But, don’t worry if you can’t join live, you’ll be able to easily catch the recordings to stay up to date on our app!
We’ll also have Vibrant Accountability Circles that you can participate in if you choose, to discuss the concepts we are teaching as well as get the support and encouragement you need for your 90-day goal.
You’ll also do your daily thought downloads in your planner/notebook and take your thought/s through the creation cycle to create the intentional outcome you desire. You’ll become a ninja watcher of your thoughts to create with intention and make a turnaround when you need to.
Once you’ve been in the monthly membership for 6 months, you’ll reach VIP status that is filled with extra bonuses and perks, and you’ll also be eligible to apply for our Vibrant Life Coach Certification Program coming soon (must be a BECOMING member).
Are you ready to...
- Discover the secret of feeling better every day and improve your mental and emotional health?
- Create the life of your dreams?
- Live in your True Identity?
- Heal your relationships and feel love and peace?
- Make more impact while living your purpose?
- Build healthy and sustainable habits for your body, heart, mind and soul?
- Build a strong mindset to stay out of overwhelm and discouragement?
- Take ownership for your life and stop blaming, procrastinating or buffering?
- De-clutter your life and mind and gain confidence?
- Achieve any goal by taking massive action and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable?
- Step into and fulfill the measure of your creation?
When you join the Vibrant Life Coach Academy’s BECOMING monthly mentoring membership, you’ll receive immediate access to all of the bonuses (listed below), and you can start or listen to any course or class at your own pace. You’ll also download an app where all of the program’s content will be at your fingertips and so easy to listen to the recordings if you can’t make the calls live.
You’ll also receive a digital copy of our Vibrant Living BECOMING Planner (only available to our BECOMING community). We print hard copies of the quarterly planner if you’d like to purchase that.
If you know anything about me, you know I LOVE GOD and CHRIST, FAMILY, and LOVE to PLAY, TRAVEL, MAKE an IMPACT, SERVE, and CREATE a DREAM LIFE THAT I NEVER GET TIRED OF!! I HOPE YOU’LL JOIN ME in this amazing adventure and community!!
Who knows... maybe you’ll find yourself with us on our next Vibrant Living Health and Healing Retreat in Hawaii!! So many exciting adventures ahead!!
Join Us in Becoming!
There are two payment options, monthly and yearly. Select the payment option below.
$97 a month
Our most flexible option
- Instant access to Stacy's Courses
- NEW Bonus Content each month
- Access to our private Facebook Group
- Live Teaching Calls
- Accountability Circles
- Live Group Coaching Calls -1:1 (30 min.) Private Coaching Session Monthly
- Access to our VIP Group after your 6th month in the program
- Digital copy of our Becoming Planner
$797 a year
You save $367 a year!!
Our best value option
- Instant access to Stacy's Courses
- NEW Bonus Content each month
- Access to our private Facebook Group
- Live Teaching Calls
- Accountability Circles
- Live Group Coaching Calls -1:1 (30 min.) Private Coaching Session Monthly
- Access to our VIP Group after your 6th month in the program
- Digital copy of our Becoming Planner
Bonuses included in BECOMING:
- Vibrant Living Wellness Conference – (21 Videos)
- 10 Virgins 5 Diversions (16 videos)
- 7 Steps to Vibrant Living Program (8 lessons/videos)
- Gottman Marriage Workshop (5 lessons / videos)
- Design Your Esther Experience (10 lessons/videos)
- Cleanse and Replenish…..the Sanoviv Way Detox (30 modules with videos, downloads, meal plans, recipes, bonus content, and so much more!!)
Your High Vibe Life Library: 16 Mini courses (93 Videos) on:
- Spring Clean Your Life
- Strengthening Relationships
- Energy
- Strengthening Intuition and Spiritual Gifts
- Preparedness
- Your Home – a Refuge from the Storm
- Your Impossible Goal
- Love and Relationships
- Organize Your Life and Mind
- Self Confidence
What Other Participants Have Said About Becoming

Melanie Orton Vandegraff
Stacy Harmer’s Vibrant Living Becoming class is a faith-based, scripture packed class that integrates modern self-development principles that help you see your true worth in the sight of God, with a loving focus on Jesus Christ and His love for us.
This wonderful program has allowed me to set my self-doubt on the shelf to wither and to press forward in joy--getting clearer on my goals and dreams and how to accomplish them. Stacy is vested in each person that is a part of the program, even offering one on one coaching this next quarter. Her concern for my growth and development has helped me know that I am not alone in this and that has meant the world to me.
Also, in the planner that we can get, there is a place to work through ruminating thoughts (what I use it for) and how to change them so they are uplifting, edifying, and joyful for the future--this has changed my life as I work through old beliefs and what I want to truly believe--that I can do anything I put my mind to.
Thank you, Stacy!

Leesa Gray
Stacy is a true disciple of Jesus Christ. It is one of the things I love about her. Her vision and commitment to build God’s kingdom through strengthening women is inspiring to witness. It is easy to recognize that Stacy is one of God’s elect. Stacy co-creates with Christ and her testimony of Him is felt in every program she has created.
For the past three months I’ve been a member of the Becoming program. The momentum I have been able to generate and sustain through this mentoring program has been phenomenal. I feel like I’ve had a personal coach who is willing to assist me through each step. This focused attention on me, coupled with my efforts, has been the key piece in my ability to stay inspired, empowered, and on track.
Stacy’s enthusiasm to aid women in fulfilling their passion and purpose is both contagious and uniting. Authentic friendships with the women of the group are formed almost immediately. As we are each driven by a purpose to live out our mission and fulfill all that God has planted in our hearts.
I am excited for the strengthening power of faith that has taken root within me just from the daily actions toward my passion and purpose.
I am forever grateful for the Becoming program and how it continues to teach, support, and strengthen me in filling the measure of creation.
Talia Riley
Kimra Douglass
Melanie Orton Vandegraff
Sue Ellen Capron