Next Event: November 3-4, 2017
GET YOUR TICKETSWe are literally living in our own virtual reality game and for some, they are keenly aware of how to play the game. But for many there is a need to AWAKEN to some amazing Know Brainerz skills that can elevate our ability to maneuver this game and bring clarity to our unique gifts, talents and purpose. Every teen has a role to play in today’s world, but something is happening everyday to try to prevent them from LEVELING UP!.
DURING THIS 2 day event, we will learn ways to gain clarity about who we really are, and help us identify the limiting beliefs that are holding us back from truly reaching our potential. There is a SCIENCE BEHIND AWAKENING a very powerful tool that is currently being snuffed out and we are being encouraged to forget or bury it by society. This tool can literally transform your talents and gifts and empower you to take control of your life as you LEVEL UP!.
This is an interactive, transformational 2 days that will awaken self confidence, awareness of influences trying to hold you back and jump start the creation of the life you are meant to have.
The event starts out on a Friday night with registration from 5-5:45 pm with a pizza party to follow. Interactive learning activities that will help you discover the science behind how your brain works through fun, fast paced, hands on experiences will fill our time together.

Shalynn Nelson
Shalynn is a possionate and masterful teacher who loves sharing tools that help others tap into their true potential. As a health coach, she enjoys helping others learn healthy habits to be productive and reach their goals. She is excited to work with youth and help them unlock their potential through understanding the science of the brain.

Rozanne Marsh
Mentor, coach, speaker, creative event director, Rozanne has a unique perspective on teaching and unique and memorable ways.
Quantum science meets personal power! The field of psychology has always been a passion for Rozanne as she managed and hired hundreds of retail candidates. Her goal was to teach by “serving potatoes in many different ways”. Or… make it interesting so that it will stick. While teaching at Weber State University, Rozanne could see that there was a lack of Self Confidence and empowerment in the students she was instructing. She has now combined her over 38 years of working with groups and now specifically teens to bring to light a particular skill that society is trying to hush. Now trained as a cranial sacral facilitator, Rozanne has helped adults and teens alike awaken to a paradigm shift and achieve a clarity that was missing before. Rozanne is a speaker, mentor and transformational group creator. Come play and learn! Come play and leave changed!

Talia Riley
Talia Riley is a mother of 3 amazing kids and wife to TJ for 19 years. She is exciting, passionate, and loves to inspire people with her light and optimism. She is a life coach and a foot zone practitioner. One of her favorite passions is her love for teaching the youth. They are some of the strongest warriors on earth. She teaches, motivates, and boosts their energy with her humor, fun, passion, and zest for life!